Showtime Arena
Deerfield, WI
October 5 - 6
Results Showtime
Results Showtime
Start at 12:00 on
Saturday and 9:00 on Sunday
Sign up for each
day or both days.
Main Match: $70
each day, includes entry in the 3D.
Division Jackpot:
$10 each day, 3 division, gender split.
Rifle: $30 each day
Rifle Jackpot: $10
each day, split Open/Limited
Shotgun: $25 each
Shotgun Jackpot:
$10 each day, Split open limited
Stalls: 1-day, $25,
Weekend $35, horses must in a stall
overnight, no tie-outs
Ground fees: $3 all
un-stalled horses per day, Weekend $5
Camping: $10/day,
Weekend $30